
This project has a lot to do with our technological environment. I was struck one afternoon how silent and foreign our classroom was, so I decided to try to place myself within this space.
As I created the video, I found myself focusing on time as a keeper of rhythm, but what does it really have to do with the pace of life? We use this tool to measure our lives, but (at least for me in that moment) I couldn’t find any value in it. The one shot that could potentially look like a POV shot is of the clock, hopefully communicating my exasperation with the time.
In the end I wanted to create a feeling of tension. The audience, when watching the video, instinctually wants to breathe with the track, but it’s too drawn out and sporadic to be comfortable. That coupled with the displacement of myself, only anchored to the video by my possessions and blue computer screen, which again speaks to the tension I felt within this very regulated and concrete world.
Also, kind of unintentionally, I created a space within the video where my presence as “artist” was very overstated; the sound and editing draw attention to the construction of the video.

The Practice of Everyday Life focuses strongly on the mundane activities that we do every day. I wanted to focus on this space that we in the class all know, a space that is for our understanding ‘mundane’, and tried to communicate how disconnected I feel in that room.


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